Jordan Carver vs Faii Orapun Titfight


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Titfight | Jordan Carver vs Faii Orapun

VENUE: The Penthouse

The action returns to the Penthouse - and this time the property is hosting the Main Event for Card 3. The rules are simple - two hotties engaged in a titfight with their racks - until one of them submits, gets knocked out or her tits get busted by the other pair!

The Penthouse is perched atop the top of the tall building overlooking a marina on one side, and the sprawling urban center on the other. The fight arena is the vast lounge - with furniture cleared to the side to make space. The floor is covered with a thick, plush carpet, while tucked away towards one side of the lounge are a handful of distinguished guests in attendance to see the action live.

The action to the rest of fanbase is to be streamed via a series of cameras placed strategically around the lounge - to ensure every angle is covered and the editor can call upon for proper streaming coverage.

The two so-far undefeated girls are going to clash in this Germany vs Thailand clash - and one of them is going to be leaving tonight with their first loss scored on the sheets - and the other continuing their unbeaten run!

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Fighter 1 Entry
Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Jordan Carver enters the Pit wearing a Mauve Lace Bra and matching Panties.

Jordan Carver Bra

Jordan Carver Thumbnail
Jordan Carver
Weight (lbs)
Bra Size
Effective Cup Size
Current Team
Bust Brawlers
Season 1
Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Fighter 2 Entry
Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Jordan Carver enters the Pit wearing a Purple Sheer Bra and matching Panties.

Faii Orapun Purple Bra

Faii Orapun Thumbnail
Faii Orapun
Weight (lbs)
Bra Size
Effective Cup Size
Current Team
Bust Brawlers
Season 1
Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Jordan Carver vs Faii Orapun Titfight

Both fighters stand at the ready -

the German Jordan in the Blue corner;

and the Thai Faii in the Pink corner.

The Boob-o-meter predicts:

Both fighters are evenly matched.

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

The two girls stand a few paces apart - glaring at each other angrily as the luxury Penthouse is ignored - both having their eyes only for each other now. Slowly they circle each other, arms raised, eyes fixed - wary of any sudden movements.

Both knew they had to go through quite a few difficult contests so far to have won both their bouts - and they were quite eager to keep that streak going.

The two girls keep circling before the German suddenly rushes in - unable to take it any more, and slams an impaling shot into Faii's chest. The Thai hottie grimaces, as she jerks her back backwards, her bra cups taking the shot, making her grunt from the pressure on her 36Gs.

Jordan smirks - but it proves to be short lived as Faii immediately responds. The Thai girl steps in, and boxes her tits inwards - right, followed by left, with great precision, as she slams her tits hard, pressure Jordan straight onto her tits through her bra!


Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

A few drops of milk drip from Jordan's proud 30K rack - making the German snarl in anger. How dare she??

Faii is standing there gloating, perhaps a bit too happy with her early gland shot - and the German is more than happy to take advantage of that.

Without warning, she swings her rack, slamming her heavy girls downwards into Faii's girls, making the Thai goddess gasp in shock - and then she follows up with her own melee - battering her big K cups hard forwards in a double-breasted bash straight into Faii's milk-makers from her exposed top-side.


Faii gasps - feeling her nipples dripping a few drops as well, as her opponent gets even. Angrily - she swings her own rack at Jordan, but the German is ready.


Seeing the rack coming in at her swinging, she steps in, cutting the momentum of her opponent short and slamming with her erect nipples in through the bra cups straight into Faii's own nubs at the front - making Orapun shudder from the sudden impaling impact!

"Awww - what's the matter bitch? Carver got your tits?" Jordan says tauntingly, glaring straight into Faii's eyes, which show a sliver of doubt for the first time in the match so far.

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Jordan sees that and snickers - casually bashing her tits into Faii's 36Gs once more before swinging them lightly upwards. Faii winces - the blows were more annoying than hurting, but she was getting frustrated with the fact that her opponent was toying with her this early on.

Faii thrusts her chest upwards, trying to drive her nipples into Jordan's rack, but the German hisses, adjusting her breasts to divert the blow from her glands.

"Sneaky!" She says smirking, before swinging down at Faii's rack, making Orapun grunt and smirking. "You should not leave your upper flank exposed, you know."

Jordan taunts her opponent - but Faii had strategically taken that shot. As Jordan's K cups slam down onto hers - she takes the blow, absorbing it in her tits and fighting the pain. And then as Jordan sits to gloat, she jabs her tits - nipples first - into Jordan's exposed undersides through her bra.


Carver gasps out in shock as her nipples start to trickle out milk from the second shot to her glands so far! She thought she was in control here, but the Thai chick was continuing to probe and find weaknesses in her defenses. This has to stop!

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

There is not much in Jordan's eyes and face that doesn't betray how she's feeling right now. Livid. Frustrated. Angry.

Faii looks at that and is actually quite intimidated by it. But she tries to retain her composure. Too late ...

The German comes rushing in at her angrily - swinging her rack wildly. Faii gasps - stepping back, trying to get out of range - but her tits get clipped regardless.

As the Thai fighter tries to keep her footing, Jordan comes in and presses on the attack.

"You fucking cunt! How DARE you!" She shouts angrily at Faii as she slams her right breast into Faii's left, and then the left into Faii's right. Orapun grunts from the impacts, clearly on the backfoot.

Jordan continues her forwards momentum, this time slamming her tits forwards in a frontal battering ram. "Take this, you cow!" She spits, as she shouts angrily.

Faii takes the continuing blows and her tits are starting to redden from all the damage they were accumulating in such a small period of time.

The raven-haired hottie swings her rack wildly upwards - and Jordan's reflexes enable her to step out of the way of the incoming large 36Gs.


The German then dips under them, and comes up hard - her nipples leading the charge - slamming hard into Faii's exposed underside!

Faii lets out a shriek of pain, as her body is sent flying backwards - slamming down hard onto the bed behind her, gasping and reeling. Her chest heaving up and down, as the hard impaling blow leaves her winded - her tits hurting.

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

Jordan's face is a mask of rage. Her mind engulfed with only one thought - to punish and destroy her opponent.

Seeing Faii laid out before her on the bed, hurting and struggling, she dashes forwards towards her adversary. There was no way she was going to let that wily bitch recover.

Mounting her opponent's upper thighs, she lowers her chest - and tit boxes her downed opponent's G cups through the straining purple bra - drawing pained grunts from Faii.

Jordan then swings her rack upwards - making Orapun grunt out and then drills her tits into the exposed undersides - stretching the bra cups of her opponent painfully around her tits as Faii cries out in pain. "Unghhhhh!"

The German is in a wild frenzy and the Thai hottie feels overwhelmed. She brings her hands up and pushes at Jordan's shoulder, throwing the German off of her - but not before the German is able to score another glancing blow with her tits in a frontal bash into Faii's rack.

Doggedly, the raven-haired fighter gets back onto her feet - taking deep, ragged breaths, her chest heaving - the redness showing the damage she had taken, her bra disheveled.

"Get up, skank!" She says angrily to Jordan, whose eyes narrow in sheer hate.

Carver gets back up onto her feet where Faii is waiting for her. The Thai chick comes rushing in for a hard frontal titty splash!


Carver's body is filled with adrenaline and her reflexes are sharpened incredibly. Her arms instinctively come up and she wraps them around Faii's back as the Thai hottie is mid-flight; trapping her opponent against her body before jutting her hard nipples dangerously up into Faii's own nubs through her bra. The Thai chick's eyes go wide from the sudden reversal and the influx of intense agony. Her nipples throb painfully against Carver's spearing nubs - her bra stretching painfully from the pressure - before snapping at the back.


Faii howls in agony - but as her bra crumples, the marauding nipples of her opponent slam into her now-bare chest. Her nipples quiver and start to get pushed back into her areolae and her tits. Her glands getting slammed directly by Jordan's invading nipples as Faii's nipples start to trickle out their milk from the hard shot to her milk makers.


Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

The raven-haired hottie is running on fumes here. And Jordan knows it.

"I am going to destroy you." came the worlds, finally, from Jordan's mouth - who had so far been solely focused on ravaging her opponent with her Blitzkrieg.

With Faii's G cups exposed, Jordan slams her rack in with a frontal bash into her opponent. Faii winces and tries to deliver a wild swing back into Jordan's rack.

The German smirks - seeing the almost lazy swing in slow motion, and twisting out of the way. 

"Too slow!" She spits angrily, and then bashes her nipples into Faii's tits once more - impaling the hard, sharp nubs into the wounded tit flesh of Faii.


Orapun howls in agony, tears streaming down her eyes from all the pain! Jordan shows no remorse. She was here with one purpose - to destroy her opponent at all costs.

Taking a deep breath, she grabs Faii's wrists - both to keep her arms away from her tits, and also to leash her in close to her - so that she doesn't stagger to far away from her. 

Then - she starts to bash her tits right and left, in a tit boxing barrage onto Faii's hurting and reddened tits. A cacophony of screams ensues from Faii's mouth, as her once-proud 36Gs, now naked and bare, are bullied by Jordan's bigger 30K tits, almost being bashed into a mush.

In what seemed like an eternity to the Thai contender, the sweet, warm embrace of sleep finally takes her. Her eye lids fluttering shut, her body going limp - the pain too much for her frame to take, as she passes out, unable to carry on.

Jordan feels the slackened body of her opponent and releases her arms. Faii sways for a moment on the spot. Jordan slams her tits in with a frontal battering ram into Faii's defeated and wrecked 36Gs. The Thai chick crumples onto her back, lying on the carpeted floor - unmoving.

Jordan gives a dismissive look to her KO'ed opponent before spitting down on her. What a wimp!

She leans down, grabbing Faii's purple bottoms and strips them off - before collecting the defeated warrior's busted bra - taking the purple bra and panties of her fallen opponent as her trophy.

Without saying a word, she leaves the penthouse.

0hr 48mins: Jordan Carver beats Faii Orapun with a KO - scoring a Trophy in the process!.
Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties


Jordan Carver Thumbnail BraPanties

The German seems to have found a style that suits her very well - and no one seems to have been able to find an answer to that so far - fast, brutal assaults, with no regards for her own welfare. A lightning assault, that just keeps the opponent guessing, responding and on the backfoot - and in the process, keeps Jordan in charge.

Faii did show a lot of skill - by finding Jordan's exposed glands multiple times and being able to capitalise on them with a very high success rate. It was, however, not enough. In fact, far from it.

Jordan's dominant showing in this fight and her last will definitely raise some eyebrows, as the German now sits at the top of the points table, sharing the spot with the Brit Tommie Jo - another wildcard that has performed beyond her ranking/seed and expectations.


Faii Orapun010
Jordan Carver108

With this we conclude Card 3 - more action coming soon, as always!

Faii Orapun Thumbnail BraPanties

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