Hi folks!
Not a lot of content so far, but that is the calm before the storm really.
The poll for the first short story series has ended up in favor (by the narrowest of margins!) of NHB. This is heartening to see as that means there is an appetite for all kinds of styles – and I definitely intend to involve different styles going forwards in that series.
I’m working with MisterSteel on finalising the roster profiles for some potential fighters for that short story – which you will then pick the final contenders from!
I am also currently working on creating a clean version of the Titfighting simulator, which will be accessible to certain Patrons for their consumption.
While the details remain to be determined, the idea is that Patrons will be able to input their (and their opponent’s!) stats (or that of their characters FWIW), and play out the fight on that simulator to assist in their RPs (or other endeavours). It can be the full fight played out in a single go and then their story written on it, or instead done on a blow by blow basis.
Two Private Fight matches (winners from the second last poll) are also in the works and I believe they will both be good to go in the first half of July!
Stay tuned – lots of fun is soon to drop. As always, constructive comments and suggestions appreciated!